
桃機有藝事 Taoyuan Airport a Home for Art 14 過去這七百多個日子, 一波波病毒襲擊世界, 讓機場的喧囂頓時安靜了。 然而,機場夥伴們從不曾退縮, 始終堅守崗位, 守護必須繼續飛行的每位旅人, 點亮期待重返天空的每個夢想。 For the last 700 plus days, The world has been hit by successive COVID waves Quieting the airport’s hustle and bustle. Yet the staff at the airport has never backed down, Staying resolute from start to finish, Protecting those travelers still required to fly And lighting up the dreams of those awaiting a return to flying. 守護飛行的夢想,有我在! Count on Me to Protect Your Dreams of Flying! ▲ 桃園機場第二航廈D3候機室。 Waiting room of TTIA Terminal 2. 季刊