
TAOYUANAirport Review 飛 行 03 No. 2 0 2 2 . 0 2 桃機「轉骨」待時機 齊心抗疫守國門 Getting Ready for New Opportunities Coming Together to Guard the Nation’s Health 季刊

焦點趨勢Important Trends 02 桃機「轉骨」待時機 齊心抗疫守國門 Getting Ready for New Opportunities Coming Together to Guard the Nation's Health 04 刷臉走遍機場 One ID試辦計畫開跑 Facial Scans Clear the Way at TTIA – One ID Trail Launch 營運新訊Operations News 06 暖心職場受肯定 桃機再獲幸福企業金獎 Earning Kudos for Its Caring Workplace TIAC Wins Another Gold Award of Happy Enterprise 06 營運數據 Operational Statistics 序Foreword 01 用心守護,放心飛行 Guardians of Your Safety, So You Can Fly Peace of Mind 話。機場TTIA Topics 機場動態Airport in Motion 07 萬丈高樓平地起 第三航廈現在進行式 From the Ground Up Construction of Terminal 3 Is Underway 08 桃機有狀況? 逼真演習考驗緊急應變力 An Incident at the Airport? Realistic Exercises Test Emergency Responses 10 飛行需求緩步回升 航空公司搶先布局市場 Optimism about Post-Pandemic Demand Airlines Push to Grab Market Share 專業精進Building Expertise 11 服務躍升 熱情與專業 員工訓練凝聚共識 Raising Service Quality. Passion and Profession! Employee-Training Programs Build a Consensus 特別報導Special Report 12 歡迎回家《家園的守門人》繪本發行 Welcome Home! The Release of Guardians of the National Gateway 談。桃機Talking TTIA 機場二三事Highlights of TTIA 13 重溫飛行美景 桃機VR觀景台上線 Reliving the Beauty of Flying TTIA's VR Observation Deck 人物特寫Feature Close-Ups 13 人海中遇見你 千里情緣機場牽 Meeting amid a Sea of People A Long Journey of Love that Leads to the Airport 桃機有藝事Taoyuan Airport a Home for Art 14 守護飛行的夢想,有我在! Count on Me to Protect Your Dreams of Flying! 看。更好的天空Looking at a Better Sky 本期要覽Table of Contents 用 心 連 接 世 界 C o n n e c t i n g t h e W o r l d w i t h H e a r t 桃園國際機場公司發行 季刊 A Quarterly Newsletter of Taoyuan International Airport Corporation 版權所有 翻印必究 本刊圖文非經同意不得轉載 All rights reserved. Reprint as a whole or in part only with written permission of publisher. 出版機關:桃園國際機場股份有限公司 Publishing agency: Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd. 發 行 人:林國顯 Publisher: Lin Kuo-shian 總 編 輯:但昭璧 Editor in Chief: Dann Zhao-bi 編輯委員會主席:洪玉芬 Chairman of Editorial Board: Hong Yu-fen 編輯製作:集思創意顧問股份有限公司 Edited and designed by Arteck Creative Consultants, Inc. 撰文攝影:陳筱君、游家桓、吳志學 Article and Photo: Vicky Chen, Chia Huang Yu, Wu Zhixue 本書電子版同時登載於桃園國際機場官方網站 An e-book publication is available on the Taoyuan International Airport official website. E-Book 本刊採用FSC永續林業認證紙張及 無毒大豆油墨印製,期為環保盡一份心力 To make an effort to environmental protection, this newsletter uses FSC labeled papers and was printed with soy ink. 本刊物使用有機大豆油墨印刷,為環保且利於廢紙回收再生工程。與您一起為地球盡一份心力。 This manual is available under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) licens FSCTM C106263 03 2 0 2 2 . 0 2

Covid-19肺炎疫情已屆兩年了,桃園國際 機場肩負起邊境第一線的國門守護責任,一點 也沒有鬆懈,無論是動線分流、檢疫或清消等 相關措施,這些防疫手段的嚴謹度隨著疫情變 化不斷升高,正是這種兢兢業業的態度,讓桃 園機場榮獲Skytrax 2021年新增的「Covid-19 Airport Excellence Awards」獎項,獲選為全球 前10名最乾淨機場。 這項肯定依賴著一群站在機場第一線, 默默守護著國人健康的夥伴們,為抵抗病毒畫 出一道堅固的隱形警戒線,每一個專注守護國 人健康的神情,都被《家園的守門人》這本繪 本記錄下來。不僅如此,桃園國際機場依然堅 持從細節就要讓旅客感到服務的溫暖,所以從 2021年底開始,所有出境旅客就可以藉由參與 「One ID臉部辨識系統」試辦計畫,體驗無接 觸旅遊的國際潮流,嘗試靠「臉」走遍機場的 便利性。 在疫苗施打率逐漸提高、各國陸續開放邊 境、旅遊需求提高之際,旅遊人潮逐漸回流, 雖然力道緩慢,但是每一位堅守崗位的機場人 員,每一個真誠的微笑,都為旅客在飛行中注 入一股安心的力量。在邁入2022年之際,桃 園機場將持續加速各項建設,以永續經營的態 度,用心守護國門,讓旅人們放心飛行。 As the Covid pandemic has raged for two years, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) has been shouldering its responsibilities at the front lines to protect the nation, never wavering in its devotion to duty. In step with the changing situation of the pandemic, the airport has continually updated its procedures to appropriately quarantine arriving passengers, sanitize the airport, and divide flows of people. That conscientiousness helped TTIA to be ranked among the top ten airports around the world for cleanliness in Skytrax 2021's Covid-19 Airport Excellence Awards. Such an achievement was thanks to the efforts of a group of frontline workers at the airport, who silently guarded the health of the nation's people, creating an invisible cordon against the virus from penetrating the nation. Images of these protectors of the nation's health were captured in the picture book Guardians of the National Gateway. What's more, TTIA has continued to pay full attention to the details that provide travelers with warm service. Consequently, since the end of 2021, all departing passengers have been able to participate in the One ID biometric system trial, allowing them to experience the trend of touch-free international travel as they enjoy the convenience of passing through airport checkpoints by simply showing their faces. Amid rising COVID vaccination rates, countries are gradually opening their borders, and the demand for travel is rising, however slowly. Every sincere smile offered by every resolute airport worker serves to give travelers a sense of peace and security. As we enter 2022, TTIA is pushing forward faster with each of its construction projects as it adheres to an ethos of sustainability and carefully protects the national gateway so that travelers can fly peace of mind. 01 序Foreword Guardians of Your Safety So You Can Fly Peace of Mind Lin Kuo-shian Chairman 董事長 用心守護,放心飛行 飛˙行 TAOYUAN Airport Review

焦點趨勢Important Trends 02 Getting Ready for New Opportunities Coming Together to Guard the Nation's Health 桃機「轉骨」待時機 齊心抗疫守國門 蘇貞昌院長為國門前線人員加油打氣 春節檢疫專案啟動後,蘇貞昌院長十分關切國門 防疫,數度來到桃園機場視察入境動線、採檢處及防 疫車隊等工作情形,鼓勵機場人員堅守崗位、齊心抗 疫,期勉早日迎來往日人聲鼎沸的榮景。 春節前為旅客返國高峰期,加上新冠變種病毒 Omicron以驚人的速度擴散,面對挑戰,桃園機場除 提升裝備防護、嚴密清消及動線分流外,衛福部也組 成「護理臺灣隊」志工協助檢視作業流程、感染控管 總體檢,強化邊境防疫。 機場公司與疾管署、海關、移民署、航警、保 全、清潔等第一線單位也在一天內全力動員,各自貢 獻專業,完成長程航班入境篩檢規劃、後送作業及清 消流程,攔截病毒進入航廈,齊心協力共同守護國土 安全。 妥善規劃作業排程 提升客貨運服務品質 此外,機場公司總經理但昭璧表示,桃園機場 趁著疫情期間「轉骨」,完成各項工程建設及作業制 度化,以剛整建完成的南北跑道為例,建立月保養、 季保養到歲修等計劃性維修排程,讓航空公司提前準 備,為跑道保養維護爭取更充裕時間。 2021年底,美歐等地再度出現睽違已久的搭機人潮,為航空業復甦帶來了新的期盼。2022年,臺灣也正迎戰 新冠疫情爆發以來的第三個春節,而一月初的疫情,更讓桃園機場面臨考驗,防疫第一線人員莫不嚴陣以待, 協助旅人安心返家。新的一年,更將疫情期間的準備與部署,轉換為成長的能量,準備迎接旅運新氣象。 ▲ 行政院長蘇貞昌在交通部長王國材及衛福部長陳時中陪同下視 察桃園機場,機場公司林國顯董事長報告防疫清消情形。 Coming to inspect the airport, Premier Su Tseng-chang, accompanied by Minister of MOTC Wang Kwo-tsai and Minister of MOHW Chen Shih-chung, listened to TIAC Chairman Lin Kuo-shian explain airport's measures of epidemic-prevention and disinfection.

話。機場TTIA Topics 03 焦點趨勢Important Trends Premier conveys support for frontline workers at TTIA After the Lunar New Year Quarantine Program started, Premier Su Tseng-chang was concerned about epidemic prevention efforts at the airport. Consequently, he made several trips to TTIA to inspect pedestrian flow lines for arriving passengers, quarantine stations, pandemic prevention fleets, and so forth. He encouraged airport staff to stand resolute and work together to repel the pandemic in anticipation of future days when the airport fills again with hustle and bustle and the sound of human voices. The number of travelers returning to Taiwan peaks in the days before the Lunar New Year. This year that peak coincided with a massive wave of Omicron-variant cases around the world. Facing this double challenge, TTIA upgraded its protective equipment, engaged in even more stringent disinfection, and improved the separated lines of movement. Meanwhile, volunteers from the "Taiwan Medical and Nursing Team," organized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, helped with a general inspection to strengthen epidemic prevention at the border. Taiwan International Airport Corp. (TIAC), as well as other frontline workers are all playing their special roles in realizing the plan for quarantining travelers arriving on long-haul flights, moving them to their places of quarantine, and cleaning up and sanitizing after them at the airport. These measures were adopted both to keep the virus from entering the terminal and to ensure the nation's safety. Well-planned work schedule Improved passenger and cargo services What's more, TIAC CEO Dann Zhao-bi explains that TTIA took advantage of the pandemic to "reinvent itself," completing various engineering projects and systemizing operations. Take, for instance, the two repaved runways. With regularly scheduled monthly, quarterly, and annual maintenance, airlines will be able At the end of 2021, the United States and mainland Europe saw waves of travelers boarding airplanes once again, kindling hopes for a revival in international air travel after the pandemic. In 2022, as Taiwan prepared to greet its third Lunar New Year during the pandemic, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) faced the challenges of epidemic in early January. All frontline workers remained vigilant to assist travelers in safely returning home. Moreover, in the new year, TTIA will leverage the preparations and deployments made during the pandemic into increasing its energy for growth, as it prepares to welcome in a new travel climate. to plan in advance, and more ample time will be provided for runway maintenance. In response to rising volumes of air cargo, TIAC adjusted its aprons to increase the area allotted to the loading and unloading of cargo, and it has coordinated with distribution stations and logistics operators to optimize their operations to ensure that cargo passes smoothly through customs. Meanwhile, TIAC is working to promote the building of infrastructure at the Air Cargo Park so as to expand the airport's capacity as a major cargo hub in East Asia, thus drawing a new blueprint for TTIA's air-cargo operations. A subject of much interest to the nation's people, the Terminal 3 construction is a top priority for TIAC Chairman Lin Kuoshian. According to International Air Transport Association(IATA) estimates, passenger will not recover to pre-pandemic levels until 2024, which happens to be the year that Terminal 3 is expected to go into operation. The terminal will reveal a new face of the national gateway through smartification and cultural diversity. 因應航空貨運需求大增,機場公司主動調度空側 停機坪以增加裝卸空間,並協調集散站與物流業者優 化理貨作業,確保貨物順利通關,同時推動貨運園區 建設,擴增東亞客貨運樞紐機場的處理能量,畫出桃 機航空貨運新藍圖。 而國人關心的第三航廈,也是機場公司董事長林 國顯念茲在茲的重要建設。根據國際航空運輸協會預 估,旅運人次待2024年才能恢復疫情前的水準,而 這也正是第三航廈預計階段性完工營運的第一年,屆 時將以智慧化及文化多元性呈現國門新風貌。 ▲ 桃園機場貨運量大幅提升, 各家航空公司也調動機隊配 合載運。 As air-cargo volumes at TTIA have r i sen great l y, car r ier s have mobi l i zed thei r f leets accordingly. ▲

焦點趨勢Important Trends 04 Facial Scans Clear the Way at TTIA One ID Trail Launch 「這是您的護照和登機證,One ID也幫您設定 完成,祝您旅途愉快!」地勤人員以親切的笑容,協 助即將飛往美國洛杉磯的林小姐註冊個人資料、加入 「One ID臉部辨識系統」試辦計畫,她開心地表示 不用在包包裡頭撈護照和登機證的感覺真好,更重要 的是:「刷臉進入管制區感覺很酷!」 壓力測試過關 One ID提升服務效率 看到旅客大多抱持正面肯定的態度,機場公司總 經理但昭璧也鬆了一口氣,其實他在先前第一階段內 部壓力測試時,就已多次拿著自己的護照,從櫃檯、 安檢門到登機口實際跑過好幾趟流程。到了12月初 每日開放兩航班旅客參與測試的第一天,更是一早就 到第二航廈現場督陣,希望透過旅客反饋,調整系統 運作和動線規劃,讓試辦計畫更加順利。 因此,當12月15日正式開放所有航班旅客都 可以自由參與試辦計畫之後,整體運作相當順利。機 場公司與航空公司也安排工作人員於現場提供協助, 旅客就算是在自助報到機操作也相當簡便,只要順利 完成資料註冊,輕輕鬆鬆花個2秒鐘,就可以通過安 經過兩階段壓力測試,桃園國際機場「One ID 臉部 辨識系統」試辦計畫於 2021 年 12 月 15 日起正式 對所有出境旅客開放,只要報到時註冊加入,就可 以率先體驗刷臉走遍機場的新科技。 刷臉走遍機場 One ID試辦計畫開跑 ▲ 旅客透過One ID辨識身分登機。 Passengers use a face scan to pass through the boarding gate. ▲ 機場工作人員進行「One ID臉部辨識系統」內部壓力測試。 Airport employees tried out the One ID biometric system in an internal stress test.

話。機場TTIA Topics 05 焦點趨勢Important Trends 檢口和登機前閘門。不過,因為受到法令規範,在移 民署證照查驗處,旅客仍須備妥相關證件通關。 啟用生物辨識系統,為智慧機場鋪路 機場公司董事長林國顯在試辦計畫開跑之後, 也以旅客視角親自體驗、檢視每一個環節,並表示生 物辨識已是國際各大機場發展的趨勢之一,加上未來 無接觸旅遊的需求提高,桃園國際機場導入「One ID 臉部辨識系統」,也正好為建構智慧機場鋪路。 至於部分旅客對於個資保存的疑慮,機場公司表 示所有資料皆使用封閉型VPN網路傳輸,只會用在驗 證乘客身分,在班機起飛後即自動刪除,確保個資不 外洩,希望所有旅客一起參加試辦計畫,親身感受智 慧機場為生活帶來的便利性。 ▲ 林國顯董事長於自助報到機體驗註冊流程。 Lin Kuo-shian, TIAC chairman, registers himself at the airport's kiosks to experience the One ID process for himself. "This is your passport and boarding pass, and One ID has been fully set up too. Have a happy trip!" A smiling ground attendant has thus registered the personnel information for a Miss Lin who is flying to Los Angeles. Having joined the trial program for the One ID biometric system, she happily explains that it is nice not having to pul l her passport and boarding pass out of her purse. Even more importantly, "It is pretty cool to enter restricted areas via a facial scan!" Passing stress tests, One ID Raises Service Efficiency In wi tness ing t ravelers ' pos i t ive responses, Dann Zhao-bi , CEO of Taoyuan International Ai rport Corp. (TIAC), breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, during the first stage of the stress testing, Dann had several times taken his own passport through the airport process from checkin counter to security checkpoint to boarding gate. When two flights per day were opened for the first trial in early December, he got up early and went to Terminal 2 to supervise, hoping that he could leverage travelers' feedback to make operational adjustments that would make the trial go even smoother. When the trial program was formally opened to passengers on all flights on December 15, everything went smoothly. It was easy for travelers to register and check themselves in, and After two stages of stress testing, the One ID biometric system at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) was formally opened for use by all departing travelers on December 15, 2021. So long as they register, travelers can be among the first to enjoy the new technological experience of proceeding through airport checkpoints via facial scanning. TIAC and airlines arranged for staff to be there to help if needed. After registering, only about two seconds were requi red to confi rm passenger s ' data to pass through security checkpoints and to board their planes. Nevertheless, in accordance with regulations, it was still necessary for travelers' to pass over the required documents for the National Immigration Agency to review. Biometrics Pave the Way to a Smart Airport TIAC chairman Lin Kuo-shian, who l ikewise personal ly experienced and inspected each part of the process from the traveler's point of view when the trial started, notes that adoption of biometric identification is a major trend at international airports. What's more, One ID is helping to meet the need for contactless interfaces created by the pandemic and helping TTIA pave the way toward building a smart airport. With regard to the reservations that a portion of travelers hold about the storing of personal data, TIAC has noted that all data is being transmitted on a closed virtual private network (VPN) and will only be used to verify a passenger's identity. These data will automatically be erased after a flight takes off so as to ensure that no information leaks. It is hoped that all travelers will participate in the trial to personally gain a sense of the convenience that smart airports can offer.

北美 N America 歐洲和中東 EU & ME 大洋洲 Oceania 東南亞和南亞 SE Asia & S Asia 東北亞 NE Asia 港澳 HK & Macau 中國 China 7.5% 27.0% 26.9% 6.0% 1.3% 21.7% 9.6% 旅客組成分析 (依地區) PAX Traffic by Region 國籍航空不缺席 試辦IATA旅行通行證 企業永續經營的關鍵在於「人」,桃園機場公 司把員工當成最重要的資產,從照顧員工身心健康、 工作生活平衡出發,以提供托嬰服務及舉辦健康博 覽會等暖心行動,打造出幸福職場。在新冠肺炎疫 情流行期間,主動提供完善的防疫消毒物資及規劃 疫苗接種服務等,營造安全健康的工作環境,2021 年再次榮獲幸福企業金獎的肯定乃是實至名歸。 Employees are the key to corporate sustainability, and Taoyuan International Airport Corp. (TIAC) treats its staff as its most important asset. From emphasizing work-life balance and workers' health and wellbeing, to providing childcare and holding health expos, TIAC has continued to foster a caring workplace, taking the initiative during the COVID pandemic to provide its employees with epidemic prevention supplies and to plan for the administration of vaccines. TIAC's efforts to create a safe and healthy work environment earned it another well-deserved Gold Award of Happy Enterprise by 1111 Job Bank in 2021. 暖心職場受肯定 桃機再獲幸福企業金獎 Earning Kudos for Its Caring Workplace TIAC Wins Another Gold Award of Happy Enterprise 營運新訊 Operations News 營運數據 桃園國際機場2021年-貨運達歷史新高 Operational Statistics Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 2021 Volume of air cargo hits record high. 2021 2020 成長率 Growth Rate 客運量 Passenger Volume 909,012 7,438,325 -87.8% 貨運量 Air Cargo Volume 2,812,066 2,342,714 20.0% 營運新訊Operations News 06

From the Ground Up Construction of Terminal 3 Is Underway 萬丈高樓平地起 第三航廈現在進行式 桃園機場第三航廈正全面施工,盤基永固的基礎工程已經完 成,工地鋼柱、鋼樑結構正持續增高,雄偉航廈的雛形正逐 漸顯現。 桃園機場第三航廈規模宏大,航廈主體面積 相當於3座橫放的臺北101大樓,樓地板面積約 達1.6倍,耐震、抗強風需求採最高標準,使用 的鋼柱、鋼樑共計約8萬9000噸,混凝土用量 達65萬立方公尺,約為臺北101大樓混凝土用 量的3倍。 從第二航廈南北擴建區高處遠眺,目前工區 內的混凝土平面,是第三航廈地下二樓的基礎板, 工程團隊將從這層基礎板往上建設,構成第三航 廈樑、柱、樓板、屋頂,以及帷幕等構造。 隨著工程的持續推動與進行,第三航廈正逐 漸成形,令人對於國門的新面貌有著無限期待。 Terminal 3 of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) is currently under construction. Its solid foundation has already been laid, and the steel columns and beams continue to rise at the construction site, gradually revealing the nascent form of a magnificent terminal building. The scale of Terminal 3 is enormous. The ground area of the main structure will equal three Taipei 101 laid on their side, and the total floor area will amount to about 1.6 times the floor area of Taipei 101. The terminal is going to meet high standards for earthquake and wind resistance. Its steel columns and beams weigh about 89,000 metric tons, and the project will require about 650,000 cubic meters of concrete, about 3 times what was required for Taipei 101. From the top of the north and south expansion areas of Terminal 2, the currently visible concrete plane is the slab base for basement level 2 of Terminal 3. The construction team is building up from that slab, installing Terminal 3's columns and beams, as well as its floor panels, roof and curtain walls. As the construction project continues to move forward, Terminal 3 is beginning to take shape, creating boundless anticipation about the new face of the national gateway. ▲ 9月1日首支鋼柱組立後,第三航廈工區鋼樑結構正持續增高。 Since the first steel column was erected on September 1, Terminal 3's steel framework has been continually growing. ▲ 第三航廈的主要構造,將從目前工區內的混凝土平面 層層往上建設。 From the concrete slab base shown here, Terminal 3's main structure is rising, level by level. 談。桃機Talking TTIA 07 機場動態Airport in Motion

An Incident at the Airport? Realistic Exercises Test Emergency Responses 桃機有狀況? 逼真演習考驗緊急應變力 「碰!」震撼爆破及槍響罕見 地在桃園機場第二航廈出境大廳響 起,一時之間機場遭受恐怖攻擊的 紅色警戒升起! 原來有旅客於託運行李中挾帶 爆裂物,準備起飛後展開自殺炸彈攻擊,然而被識 破後竟然直接引爆,造成多人受傷,並持槍挾持人 質與警方對峙;幸而暴徒隨後被警政署保一總隊維 安特勤警力及桃園市特警順利制伏,人質也被成功 救出,消防救護團隊趕緊上前接手檢視傷患及準備 後送救治。 反恐演習強化緊急防禦機制 這樣驚險的畫面於2021年11月中旬在桃園機 場航廈內上演,不過這其實是一場實兵演習,機場 公司希望以「聯防」觀念切入,透過更貼近實戰的 演練,強化中央地方各單位的協調防禦機制,並驗 證機場反恐緊急應變能力;除了航廈內的演習,桃 園機場10月底也舉辦模擬航機降落時,因機械故障 而失控衝出跑道的災害搶救演習。 虛實並行演練救災 空難災害防救演習以現場實兵及線上兵棋推演 方式並行,動員超過13個單位、130車次各式作業 車輛及480人次參與大量傷患急救、醫療後送、旅 客疏散及協助通關作業等實地演練,而桃園機場消 防大隊也出動可擔任前進指揮所的救災指揮車和可達 30公尺高的雲梯車等全新救災利器,同時透過線上 兵推,驗證各單位作業及應變程序是否確實。 桃園國際機場為24小時全天候營運機場,透過 舉辦演習,保持即時反應處理能力,以確保在緊急事 件發生時,相關單位發揮聯防機制,做出適當應變, 維護國門安全。 為了強化緊急狀況時的應變能 力,桃園國際機場在 2021 年 底舉辦了災害搶救演習及反恐 實兵演習,熟悉緊急應變協調, 提升工作人員危機意識,對保 障國門前線安全有莫大助益。 ▲ 桃園市特警模擬制伏暴徒、搶救人質。 The police practices subduing violent criminals and freeing hostages. 機場動態Airport in Motion 08

談。桃機Talking TTIA "Bang!" The sounds of explosions and gunshots reverberate through the Departures Hall of Terminal 2. The terrorist attack immediately puts the airport on red alert! Travelers on a suicide mission had placed explosives in their check-in luggage, planning on attacking the plane after it took off. Instead, when the bomb is discovered, the terrorists set it off in the terminal, causing many people to be injured before taking hostages in a standoff with the police. Fortunately, the terrorist is soon brought into custody by the police, and the hostages are freed. Paramedic squads then move forward to triage the injured. Anti-terrorism drills improve readiness This scene of high alert occurred in mid-November 2021 in a TTIA Terminal, but it was only a drill. Taoyuan International Aiport Corporation(TIAC) hopes to instill an ethos of "unified defense," by conducting exercises that are truer to life so as to strengthen mechanisms of cooperation between central and local governmental units and to test the airport's capabilities to respond to terrorism. Apart from exercises carried out within the terminal, at the end of October TTIA also held a drill to respond to a runway landing crash resulting from mechanical failure. Virtual and live disaster response drills The air disaster prevention and rescue drill occurred both live on site and in on-line simulations. There were more than 13 units involved, with more than 130 vehicles and 480 personnel participating in exercises testing responses to a situation in which large numbers of people needed rescuing, medical treatment, and transport to hospitals. The drill also involved evacuating travelers and facilitating customs clearance for them. The TTIA fire brigade brought out a new command vehicle that can serve as a forward command post and a ladder truck that can extend to 30 meters in height. Online, it also confirmed the soundness of various units' contingency plans and procedures. Open 24 hours per day, TTIA conducts these exercises and drills to keep its ability to respond to emergencies strong and to ensure that relevant units will mobilize in unison to protect the national gateway. To strengthen its emergency response capabilities, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) held disaster rescue and anti-terrorism response exercises at the end of 2021, increasing familiarity with coordinated emergency responses and raising crisis awareness among airport staff. Such efforts help to bolster frontline safety at the national gateway. ▲ 機場消防大隊出動消防水車演練噴水滅火。 TTIA's fire brigade turns on its firetrucks' water hoses during a fire drill. ▲ 航警局防爆小組出動,準備在防爆桶中引爆 疑似爆裂物。 The bomb squad prepares to place a suspected explosive device into a containment chamber. 09 機場動態Airport in Motion 桃園機場消防大隊的救災 指揮車可以在緊急時刻變 身成為前進指揮所,指揮 搶救作業。 Dur i ng emergencies, the command vehicle can turn into a for ward command p o s t , d i r e c t i n g r e s c u e operations. ▲

機場動態Airport in Motion 10 Optimism about Post-Pandemic Demand Airlines Push to Grab Market Share 飛行需求緩步回升 航空公司搶先布局市場 隨著各國新冠肺炎疫苗覆蓋率提高,邊境管制也逐漸鬆綁,多家航空公司從年中開始逐步增班或復飛桃園國際 機場,更有航空公司加開新航線,搶先布局天際藍圖。 桃園機場在2021年10月20日出動消防水車, 以水門禮迎接泰國越捷航空(VJ)新開的臺北-曼 谷來回航班,這場疫情中難得一見的儀式,象徵著 航空業復甦的腳步近了。 疫情期間暫時停飛的紐西蘭航空(NZ)臺北- 奧克蘭客運航班已於8月重啟服務,而聯合航空 (UA)在11月起以每週3班的密度恢復舊金山- 臺北客運航線,阿聯酋航空(EK)、達美航空(DL) 等航空公司,也紛紛以復飛或加開班機回應疫後商 務及旅遊需求。 國籍航空公司反應也很迅速,除了華航(CI)、 長榮(BR)雙雙宣布復飛臺北-倫敦航線,星宇航 空(JX)已先行加開臺北-新加坡航線,2022年2 月還要增開日本福岡新航點,用實際行動搶攻疫後 商機,桃園機場也將以更好的服務品質,與航空產 業界共同迎接復甦的曙光。 As COVID vaccination rates have risen in many nations, border restrictions are gradually being loosened. In the middle of 2021 various major airlines started flying again or adding to their flight numbers at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA). Some airlines even added new routes, aiming to put themselves in a good position to gain market share after the pandemic. On October 20, 2021, TTIA brought out its firetrucks for a water salute to mark the new route of Thai Vietjet Air(VJ) between Taipei and Bangkok. Celebrations had been rare during the pandemic, so the occasion served as a symbol of airlines' reviving fortunes. Ai r New Zealand(NZ), which had suspended i ts Taipei - Auckland passenger flights, restarted service in August, and in November United Airlines(UA) announced three flights per week on its San Francisco-Taipei route. One after another, Emirates(EK), Delta(DL) and other international airlines also restarted operations at the airport in anticipation of burgeoning post-pandemic demand. National ai r l ines also responded quickly. In addition to announcements by China Airlines(CI) and Eva Air(BR) that they would resume their Taipei-London fl ights, Starlux Airl ines(JX) declared i t was adding Taipei -Singapore f l ights and then later announced that it would be adding flights to Fukuoka in February of 2022, proactively taking measures to put itself in an advantageous post-pandemic position. TTIA, meanwhile, raised its own level of service as it linked arms with the airline industry to welcome the dawning of a new era of aviation.

11 專業精進Building Expertise 為了提升服務品質及員工專業知能,桃園國際機場公司規劃一系列企業內訓,希 望能夠在疫情漸露曙光之際,做好重開國門的準備。 以聲音為專業加值 「喵!喵!喵!」一群機場服務臺服務人員跟 著聲音訓練師雙手畫大圓、學貓叫,放鬆繃緊的頸 部肌肉,讓聲音釋放出來;除此之外,還靠著按摩 臉部肌肉、練習呼吸吐納,配合緩慢而柔軟的甩手、 轉腰等大動作,從丹田將聲音帶出來,讓這群每天 要與無數旅客對話的客服人員,重新認識自己的聲 音和肢體動作,以最優雅完美的專業姿態,回到工 作崗位執勤。 共識營腦力激盪,討論桃機未來 接著登場的是兩梯次的主管團隊共識營,以 「從現在創造未來」為主題,採「體驗活動」與「分 組討論」交錯進行,針對「第三航廈運營準備」、 「智慧機場實踐藍圖」及「公司經營願景」三項議 題,提出各部門相對應的管理目標或行動計畫。最 特別的是現場還聘請了視覺圖像記錄師,將討論轉 化成淺顯易懂的文字圖像,為兩天一夜的活動留下 最精華的記錄。 To raise the quality of service at the airport and the expertise of staff, Taoyuan International Airport Corp. (TIAC) planned a series of in-house training, anticipating a reopening of the airport to more regular operations as the severity of the pandemic gradually fades. Improve professionalism with sound "Meow! Meow! Meow!" A voice coach leads service desk staff in using both arms to make big circles and to imitate cats meowing. They relax their neck muscles so that their voices will carry farther. Then they massage their facial muscles and practice breathing deeply while slowly and loosely shaking out their hands or turning at their waists. They focus on pushing out voices from their diaphragms. These exercises help this group of service staff who talk to countless travelers every day to reacquaint themselves with their own voices and the movements of their own bodies, so that they may return to their duties with the elegance of perfect posture. Camps to brainstorm about airport's future Later, there were two camps held for management, which were based around the theme of "creating the future from the present." Through experiential activities and group discussions, they focused on three topics: "Preparing for Terminal 3 Operations," "Blueprints for Realizing a Smart Airport," and "Vision for Corporate Operations." These put forward management targets or action plans for each department to focus on. Notably, a professional graphic recorder was hired to turn the discussions into easily understood words and graphics. He left behind an essential record of the activities, which took place over two days and one night. 談。桃機Talking TTIA Raising Service Quality Passion and Profession Employee-Training Programs Build a Consensus 服務躍升 熱情與專業 員工訓練凝聚共識 ▲ 機場公司總經理但昭璧和小組成員一起討論。 TIAC CEO Dann Zhao-bi, brainstorms with one of the management camp's breakout groups. ▲ 老師指導服務臺人員發聲技巧。 A voice coach directs service desk staff in developing vocal skills. ▲ 視覺圖像記錄師記錄全場討論重點。 The graphic recorder left a visual record of the main points discussed at the meeting.

特別報導Special Report 12 Welcome Home! The Release of Guardians of the National Gateway 歡迎回家 《家園的守門人》繪本發行 這兩年來,臺灣有一群防疫英雄,將一波波新冠疫情拒於國門之外,桃園 機場於 2022 年初發行《家園的守門人》繪本,從一位返國遊子的視角, 呈現桃園機場為了守護國人健康的努力。 從得知疫情初起的不安、留學之地封城的恐懼, 到在層層把關之下,以及搭上防疫專機、踏上國土的 舒心,繪本作家玉米辰用畫筆,將桃園機場的夥伴們, 如何以嚴謹的防疫清消措施,在全球都被疫情籠罩的 焦慮中,安定每一位從異國返鄉的遊子心。 在繪本中,呈現了清潔、檢疫及防疫計程車等相 關人員的工作情形,也描繪了疫情下仍以微笑迎賓、 精神奕奕的免稅店工作人員,象徵著桃園機場的暖心 服務不受疫情影響,隨時做好重啟邊境的希望與準備。 除了故事性的情節,繪本也兼具知識性,以圖文 介紹機場入境檢查措施、疫苗冷鏈運輸流程及小朋友 們最有興趣的機場作業車輛,讓所有讀者都能更認識 桃園機場。 Author-i l lustrator Chen Min-Yu (Corn Chen) captures the experiences of students overseas living through a frightening lockdown before passing through a series of rigorous checks and boarding a chartered flight to return home. What comforted they felt when they could finally step out once again onto their homeland's soil! In the book, Chen shows the workers at the airport both as they clean and disinfect to prevent the spread of the virus and as they calm the spirits of travelers returning home. The book captures sanitizing crews, quarantine personnel and "epidemic prevention fleet" taxi drivers hard at work. The portrayals of the clerks at duty-free shops who still come to work in high spirits and with welcoming smiles symbolize TTIA's warm service even in the face of the pandemic. Aside from its engaging plot, the book is also well researched and instructive. The illustrations detail the screening of inbound travelers, cold chain logistics of vaccine, and the ground vehicles that perform special airport operations, which fascinate children and give all its readers greater familiarity with TTIA. Over the past two years the national gateway of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) has relied on a group of virus-fighting heroes to keep COVID at bay. These airport workers are memorialized in the picture book Guardians of the National Gateway. From the perspective of a traveler returning home to Taiwan, the book shows the hard work being done at the airport to protect the health of the nation’s people.

看。更好的天空Looking at a Better Sky 13 人海中遇見你 千里情緣機場牽 二月是充滿粉紅泡泡的月份,《飛˙行》季刊特地找到在桃園機場求婚的航 務處同仁家樑,和來自立陶宛的另一半楊欣,重溫甜蜜記憶。 In the February of pink Valentine’s Day bubbles, Taoyuan Airport Review found a staffer, Chia-liang in the Airside Management Department who proposed to his wife at the airport. He and his wife, Janulyte Brigita who comes from Lithuania relive some of their sweetest moments when answering some quick questions. 曾家樑 Tseng Chia-liang 曾楊欣 Janulyte Brigita 兩人結婚多久了? How long have you been married? 第一次出遊的國家? What was the first foreign nation you traveled to? 不多不少,剛好7年! Exactly 7 years! 桃園機場對兩人的意義? What meaning does the airport hold for both of you? 機場是家樑工作的地方,也是求婚地點,有國家與家的雙重意義。當臺灣贈送 立陶宛口罩,立陶宛回贈疫苗時,機場為加深雙方交流寫下更動人的意義。 The airport is both where Chia-liang works every day and where he proposed. It holds the double meaning of home and country. When Taiwan gave masks to Lithuania, and Lithuania gave Taiwan vaccine doses, the airport deepened bilateral friendship. 立陶宛 Lithuania 臺灣 Taiwan 人物特寫Feature Close-Ups Reliving the Beauty of Flying TTIA's VR Observation Deck 重溫飛行美景 桃機VR觀景台上線 想念自由飛行的日子嗎?桃園機場公司特別打造了一座 數位觀景台,讓久未搭機到國外旅遊的民眾,在家就可以透過 720度環景虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)互動科技,以機場南、 北觀景台的角度,身歷其境欣賞從日出到日落、甚至夜晚開闊 的美景,也同步認識機場運作及周遭的高鐵特區、臺灣海峽及 竹圍漁港等地景環境,期待再度出國旅行的日子來臨。 Do you miss those days of freely flying? Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) has specially created a virtual airport observation decks, so that people can use 720-degree interactive VR technology to experience views from the the airport's south and north viewing decks. These reveal airport scenes from dawn to dusk and even at night. At the same time, people can also become acquainted with airport operations and the locations around the airport, such as the coast of the Taiwan Strait, and the Zhuwei Fishing Harbor—all in anticipation of those future days when we will be able to travel once again. 線上觀景台VR TTIA's on-line viewing platform ▲ 只要上網就可以欣賞桃園機場 美景並了解各種車輛作業知識。 Go online to enjoy a beautiful view from TTIA's observation deck and learn about the airside operation. 機場二三事 Highlights of TTIA Meeting amid a Sea of People A Long Journey of Love that Leads to the Airport 最喜歡的臺灣景點? What is your favorite sight in Taiwan? 小琉球 Xiaoliuqiu Island

桃機有藝事 Taoyuan Airport a Home for Art 14 過去這七百多個日子, 一波波病毒襲擊世界, 讓機場的喧囂頓時安靜了。 然而,機場夥伴們從不曾退縮, 始終堅守崗位, 守護必須繼續飛行的每位旅人, 點亮期待重返天空的每個夢想。 For the last 700 plus days, The world has been hit by successive COVID waves Quieting the airport’s hustle and bustle. Yet the staff at the airport has never backed down, Staying resolute from start to finish, Protecting those travelers still required to fly And lighting up the dreams of those awaiting a return to flying. 守護飛行的夢想,有我在! Count on Me to Protect Your Dreams of Flying! ▲ 桃園機場第二航廈D3候機室。 Waiting room of TTIA Terminal 2. 季刊